Board Meeting Minutes - May 9, 2019

Vista Las Palmas Neighborhood Organization Board Meeting
May 9, 2019, 4:00pm
501 S Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs

The following board members were present:  Howard Hawkes, Amy Brinkman (via phone), Gustav Swanson, Sheila Cobrin, Sally Hightower Lippin.


  • Review / Approve Minutes from March meeting

  • Review Action Items from March meeting

  • Treasury / Finance Report

  • Historic District - Guest: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner - Historic Preservation Office

  • Alexander Star Sponsorship

  • Follow up to Annual VLPNO Meeting: 11/18/18

  • VLP April Social Recap

  • Neighborhood Activities - Discuss potential next activity

  • MW2020 VLP Home Tour - GO / NO GO

    • If a GO - Establish Owner/Sponsor

RECAP/NOTES (captured by Gustav Swanson)

Howard Hawkes called the meeting to order.

Discussion regarding Board Meetings - The schedule of Board Meetings and the number needed to create a quorum were discussed. Question arose as to whether a Board Member phoning into Board meeting could be counted toward the quorum. Sheila mentioned in the past it was "understood" that members had to be physically present. Gustav mentioned due to several members not living in VLP and the traveling schedules of several Board Members if by-laws should be amended to allow phone ins to count towards quorum. Discussion regarding what can be done at a Board meeting when there is NOT a quorum. (For example, no action items). Sheila suggested picking one day and stick to it. (Presently 2nd Thursday of each Month.). People can then plan accordingly. Amy mentioned she would not be able to attend the June 13th meeting. (She would be traveling.)

Discussion about the 2020 Modernism Tour and upcoming June 1st deadline - It was suggested to have fewer homes since it has been difficult to secure homes for the tour. In a previous year 3 homeowners cancelled. (In other words, they initially said they would showcase their home and then reneged for whatever reason.) Also, suggested to have a guest speaker to accompany the fewer homes on the tour. By having fewer homes on the tour, the cost (the amount charged for the ticket) would be lower and thus more affordable. This would make the tour attractive to a wider audience. Question arose as to what other neighborhoods were planning/doing. Discussed possible themes for the tour. For example, a mid-century modern cooking or clothing theme. Discussed the higher the ticket price the greater the expectation you got something (like a tour booklet). Discussed date preferences for the 2020 Modernism Tour. Everyone seemed to agree that a Saturday is preferred over a Sunday. Discussed need to hold another meeting to iron out requirements for June 1st, 2020 Modernism Tour deadline. Apparently, Modernism Committee only needed a commitment and our preferences for tour dates by June 7th deadline. Meeting time TBD.

Discussion about City of Palm Springs Historical Homes Inventory - Gustav had reached out to City of Palm Springs Historic Preservation Officer Ken Lyons to see if he could attend June Board Meeting. (He could not.) Discussed pro's versus con's of Vista Las Palmas neighborhood being classified as a Historic Neighborhood. A potential con could be the possible loss of property rights. Would homeowners be limited in renovations they could do to their home? Could this negatively impact their property values? etc. Sally highlighted difficulties she had rebuilding a deck on a family cottage on Lake Tahoe. It took several frustrating years to rebuild a deck. Would creating a historic designated neighborhood subject homeowners to similar scrutiny and red tape? Upon further discussion decided Gustav would reach out to Mr. Lyons and invite him to speak to The Board. The Board could act as a filter. Depending upon Mr. Lyons report would drive whether The Board takes further action. (For example, inviting Mr. Lyons to speak to the VLP community.)

Discussion about sponsoring star for the Alexander Family - What are the other major "Alexander" neighborhoods (Racquet Club, Sunmor, Twin Palms, Little Beverly Hills and Sunrise Park) doing? Have they committed to a sponsorship amount? Sheila questioned if the amount we had initially asked to donate had changed. Furthermore, she asked if so, why? Questions arose as to the current amount of funds in the VLPNO bank account. Do we have sufficient funds to sponsor star and also be certain to have sufficient funds for the annual Board Meeting at the O'Donnell clubhouse as well as hold another social event? Some back and forth as to what the present bank account balance is. (Mickey not present at meeting so there was some ambiguity.)  Determined there were sufficient funds just over $18K. Gustav made a motion to sponsor the Alexander Star Weekend; Sally seconded the motion.  

Sheila gave information regarding a Home Invasion Workshop being conducted at the Police Training Facility (What to do during an invasion, not how to conduct one).

Gustav volunteered to write a blurb for the VLP website informing the community about the event and its time etc.